WCFM Marketplace Shopify Connector plugin allows the vendors to sync products, orders, and map categories between WCFM Multi-vendor Marketplace Store and the Shopify eCommerce store.
This connector allows real-time synchronization of the product’s price, quantity, and SKU.
Admin Login
Check how to use the Admin Panel
Customer Login
Check how to use Customer end
Store Vendor Login
Check how to use the store vendor
Sellers can connect their multiple Shopify accounts to the WCFM vendor account.
Sellers can export and import products with connected Shopify accounts.
Sellers can Export and import the orders with connected Shopify accounts.
Seller can map the categories ( It will depend on the Marketplace WCFM end coding )
Real-time Sync products’ price, quantity, and SKU in real-time.
Export orders in real time to Shopify.
Allow sellers to manage the exported order’s shipping status from their Shopify Account.
Shopify admin manages the order’s shipping status(fulfillment status) so we will allow the seller to do the same for WCFM exported orders.
The vendors can add a Tracking Number and Shipping Carrier on the Shopify account to mark the WCFM exported orders as fulfilled.
The customer who ordered from the WCFM end will be able to get the order shipping status(as the default WooCommerce flow).
If the seller adds a tracking number at the Shopify end then that will be shown at the WCFM order end too for the customers.